A lot of talk is going about 2012. Is it apocalypse, is it a change, what it is? Personally I believe a change. It must be clear to all, who just has a little bit of knowledge about what is going on, that we cannot continue the way we are, we are destroying this precious planet. We are at a turning point, things has to change and they will change for the better.
Today I watched the documentary called "2012 a time for change". They had many good aspects included like yoga, permaculture, meditation etc. But it really dawned on me how the most important aspects were missing.
They were talking about how they believe that 2012 is the year for a change. A change that will bring humanity back in contact with their true self, their inner divinity. They were giving all these examples on how to achieve that, through meditation, yoga, and certain drugs used in tribes. But there was no single notation on diet. Nothing.
When I started living 811, everything changed for me. In a very short time. Up until the end of last year, I was extremely depressed, insecure, suicidal and addicted to several substances and behaviours. I was living like a zombie and only waiting for the next fix. Which is how most people live today. But when I changed my diet, some radical changes occured. Suddenly I didn't need all those things. Suddenly I realized that the key to happiness was inside of myself. Suddenly I realized the beauty of life, the beauty of people, fruit and nature, of everything. I felt so whole, like a missing puzzle, in the form of fruit, had filled my body with sweet, juicy love and contentment.
I then later stumbled upon the book "Left in the dark" by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright. That book basically explained everything I had experienced. I will recommend everyone to read it. In short I will explain the main points, but it really does not give the same picture unless read.
The book explains a hypothesis about how our brain does not function optimally. We have a very dominant lefthalf of the brain. That part supresses the righthalf and we therefore only use a fraction of our potential. The left brain is very logical, it is very liniar and fearfull. In the right brain we have access to more profound knowledge about ourselfes, the purpose of our life, the universe plus some very creative skills, way beyond imagination. In short, this dysfunctionality occured because we were forced out of our natural habitat and forced to eat meat. Originally we lived in tropics and ate a mainly fruitbased diet. Fruit contains a lot of biochemicals and steriodsupressers, which led to a developement in the brain. When we suddenly missed out on all these biochemicals and started eating steriodcontaining meat, it affected out brain in the opposite direction. It is explained much more thorougly with much more detail and scientific data to support in the book. I really believe the hypothesis in that book is crucial knowledge and it really supports how eating a fruitbased and meatfree diet makes us happier, more loving, compassionate and in tune with life and our real purpose.
Isn't that the place to start? I mean we can try meditation, yoga etc. but if we still carry a dysfunctional brain, we will always miss a piece of the puzzle. We will never quite get there. Eating the right diet is CRUCIAL to creating a better world in my eyes.
Not only is the diet loving to our body and mind, but also to our planet. No animal except from the occasional bug, will ever be killed. We help the fruits spread their beautifull seeds and fruit is in fact the most sustainable produce! Fruits grow mostly vertically, so on and acre we can grow a lot more fruit on fruittrees, than grains. And to be honest, the fruitbliss you experience after being raw for some time, is unexplainable. It is heaven on earth.
So I send an email to the makers behind the documentary. If this can be spread to as many as possible, we start to see the new eart evovling faster. My dream is to make a mainstream documentary about this lifestyle. And I intend on making my dreams come true ;)
You can read about left in the dark here and buy it on amazon: http://leftinthedark.org.uk/
Help spread the word!
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