Originally I inteded to do my very first youtube video about my journey to 811, but now I will already give a little sneakpeak in this blogpost. The reason for that, is that I feel it is important for people with eating disorders to know there is a way out - for good! A way that means no restriction whatsoever, no pain, and a healthy body and mind.
Ever since I can remember I have hated my body. I looked at all the slim girls and doomed God for not giving me such a body. I was a bit chuby when I was 10, and my grandmother litterally told me to eat less. I felt pressure from myself and from the outside to be slimmer and when I was 10 I remember deciding never to eat again. Of course I could not stick to that and I hated myself for my "lack of willpower". The next couple of years I went of different diets and became a rather slim, but normal teenager. But I still was not satisfyed. After eating as I wished for christmas 2004, I decided to really go on a diet again, and this time it was for good. In a matter of few months I lost a lot of weight and came down to only 38 kg with my 174 cm.
I then was admitted to the mentalhospital, stayed there 9 months.
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Me at my skinniest, feeling awfull. |
To cut this very long story short, I spend many many years of my life still in eatingdisorder. It was not until I found 811 that I was able to go past that for good.
But why can something as simple as diet heal a mental disease?
Well there are many factors. The mind and the body are no to single units, the are connected and if you have and unhealthy body you have an unhealthy mind vica versa. In general some mainfactors can be lined up:
- Your brain runs solely on glucose. The best source for glucose is fruit, since fruit is also packed with nutrients. When you get sufficient fuel, you start to think clearly. This means that you have to eat enough cals on 811, meaning at least 2500 for women and 3000 for men.
- When you have a optimal* functioning brain, it becomes so much easier to do mentalwork. Diet cannot solely remove your mentaldisorders, but it can really help you to deal with them properly.
- Once you stop filling your body with crap and dead animals, whoes meat are filled with fear, you stop having so much fear and negative emotions in your body.
- Once you get sufficient sleep, water and sun, it helps a great deal too. Give your body optimal circumstances for optimal mental and physical health.
There is SO much more to add, but I was inspired to do a quickie on this right now, to maybe help anyone with eating disorders or anyone struggling with staying 811. An eating disorder is not defined by weight, it is defined by your mentalstate. Meaning you can be normalweight but still have an eating disorder. And in this prorestriction, food and skinnyobsessed society, almost everyone has an eating disorder more or less.
It all comes down to how you feel about yourself. And now it is time to let it go. Take the opportunity to become the real you, a shiny, loving being. You were born to love, not to hate. And you cannot fully love others before you love yourself.
Stay tuned for a soon to come first youtubevideo and other blogposts.
* Not completely optimal, reference "left in the dark".
Really great post! I'm so glad you overcame the eating disorder and learned to accept yourself.. The part about accepting yourself is somethibg i have been working on for the past year too and i can finally feel some big changes too :)